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Config Options

You can use the options below in the capacitor.config.ts file under the electron prop. Please use ElectronCapacitorConfig exported from @capacitor-community/electron instead of CapacitorConfig from @capacitor/cli.\ All options are optional and can be omitted if you do not require them. The backgroundColor property will also be used to configure the Electron window color.\ Furthermore, you can edit and tinker with the electron/src/index.ts file as more is exposed to the developer as of V3.

import { ElectronCapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor-community/electron';
const config: ElectronCapacitorConfig = {  ...,  electron: {    // Custom scheme for your app to be served on in the electron window.    customUrlScheme: 'capacitor-electron',    // Switch on/off a tray icon and menu, which is customizable in the app.    trayIconAndMenuEnabled: false,    // Switch on/off whether or not a splashscreen will be used.    splashScreenEnabled: false,    // Custom image name in the electron/assets folder to use as splash image (.gif included)    splashScreenImageName: 'splash.png',    // Switch on/off if the main window should be hidden until brought to the front by the tray menu, etc.    hideMainWindowOnLaunch: false,    // Switch on/off whether or not to use deeplinking in your app.    deepLinkingEnabled: false,    // Custom protocol to be used with deeplinking for your app.    deepLinkingCustomProtocol: 'mycapacitorapp',  },  ...};
export default config;