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The Capacitor Community Electron platform comes with a utility for enabling easy deeplinking for your applications.

How To Implement#

  1. Enable deepliking by adding the property deepLinkingEnabled: true to your capacitor.config file under the electron property.
...const config = {  appId: '',  appName: 'My Capacitor App',  webDir: 'www',  electron: {    deepLinkingEnabled: true,  }};...
  1. If you dont want your app to use the default custom protocol of mycapacitorapp you will need to add another property to the electron prop. in the config file of: deepLinkingCustomProtocol: 'mycustomprotocol' where you can set anything you wish as the custom protocol.
...const config = {  appId: '',  appName: 'My Capacitor App',  webDir: 'www',  electron: {    deepLinkingEnabled: true,    deepLinkingCustomProtocol: 'mycustomprotocol',  }};...
  1. From here you will need a plugin to handle the deep linking inside your webapp. The official App plugin from capacitor will handle this for example.